Frequently asked questions.

  • Initial Exam: $125.00

    Initial Exam (Youth)*: $95.00

    Subsequent Visit: $50.00

    Subsequent Visit (Extended): $65.00

    Subsequent Visit + Acupuncture: $75.00

    Subsequent Visit + Shockwave: $75

    Re-Evaluation: $70.00

    *must be under age 21

  • Intake forms will be e-mailed to you to fill out before your appointment. During your first visit at the clinic, a thorough history will be taken so that we can get a picture of your overall health. This will include your main reasons for seeking treatment and any goals you may have. A physical exam will then be done to find possible deficiencies and get to the bottom of the cause of your pain or dysfunction. Once we figure out the root cause, you will be presented with our findings and our proposed treatment plan. Treatment is included with your first visit.

  • No. Chiropractors are primary contact health professionals, which means patients can consult them directly.

  • Our clinic has a driveway with 2 free parking spots. There is also street parking available.

  • An adjustment is a highly-skilled and precise movement usually applied by hand to the vertebrae of the spine or other joints of the body. Adjustment to the joint restores proper movement and improves function. When a joint is adjusted, an air bubble may escape causing a popping noise, similar to the sound made when you crack your knuckles.

  • You don’t have to be in pain to visit a chiropractor. Many people visit chiropractors in order to reduce their risk of injury and to stay on top of their health in general. Other benefits include improved flexibility, increased mobility, and better posture.

  • Yes, we direct bill to the following insurance companies:

    (For GSC, Sun Life, Blue Cross and Empire Life plans we require a valid credit card kept on file.)

    Blue Cross

    BPA - Benefit Plan Administrators

    Canada Life

    Canadian Construction Workers Union (C.C.W.U.)

    Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan



    Coughlin & Associates


    D.A. Townley

    Desjardins Insurance

    Empire Life

    Equitable Life

    First Canadian

    GMS Carrier 49

    GMS Carrier 50

    Green Shield Canada (GSC)



    Industrial Alliance

    Johnson Inc.

    Johnston Group

    Beneva Inc. (formerly La Capitale Financial Group)

    LiUna Local 183

    LiUna Local 506


    Manulife Financial

    Maximum Benefit

    People Corporation

    RWAM Insurance Administrators

    Sun Life

    TELUS AdjudiCare

    Union Benefits

    UV Insurance

    Alberta Blue Cross